Engagement with young people and CSOs

Promoting participation of children, youth and civil society through the organisation of consultations and a Young people and Civil Society Forum 2-4 March 2025. The Forum will reach consensus on a statement from children and youth and a civil society statement to be given during the Ministerial Conference in support of deliberations. Selected participants from the Forum will also participate in panel sessions and side events to ensure the voice of children, youth and civil society is heard throughout the Conference. Young People consultations and forum organised by CRC Asia, World Vision, Plan International and UNICEF. GHAI is supporting the civil society forum and consultations in selected countries. A call for participation will be shared in late 2024.

The overall aim of the Young People’s Forum is to: Improve the accountability of States in ensuring a universal and responsive civil registration and vital statistics system through meaningful engagement with children and youth.

Specifically, the Young People’s Forum aims to:

  1. Co-create participation spaces and actions with children and youth to contribute to the Third Ministerial Conference on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in 2025
  2. Gather the views of children and youth on the progress on addressing the points raised by children and youth for the Second Ministerial Conference on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in 2021
  3. Provide a platform for children and youth to share their experiences and views on specific topics related to CRVS, such as violence against children, education, travel and movement, gender, climate change and extreme weather events, and armed conflict Support the development of a set of recommendations from children and youth
  4. Facilitate a process among children and youth to select their own representatives to the regional platforms

Further information on CSO engagement will be added soon.