World Bank
Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems - Advanced Level (Facilitated)
Vital Strategies
LMN Course: Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Systems Improvement Framework
The CRVS Systems Improvement Framework provides countries with the tools to assess and improve their CRVS systems and processes that brings stakeholders together to solve problems. The Framework’s purpose is to guide the analysis, redesign and monitoring of the business processes that are at the foundation of CRVS systems. This self-guided course comprising of three modules is designed to help CRVS system planners and administrators implement the Framework.
LMN Course: Analysis and Use of Vital Statistics
The Analysis and Use of Vital Statistics e-Learning Course consists of 12 interactive modules focused on assessing the quality of CRVS data, the production of vital statistics from CRVS records, and application and use of this data for policy- and decision-making. Participants of the course will become more familiar with advanced uses of CRVS data, learn to create high-quality vital statistics visualizations and reports, and learn to disseminate CRVS data to multiple audiences and stakeholders. The course is available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.
LMN Course: Medical Certification of Course of Death Course
This electronic course on medical certification of cause of death will help physicians and other health care staff to understand the critical importance of medical certification. This will allow them to produce high quality mortality data for government agencies to effectively make evidence-based policy decisions.
- English:
- French:
LMN Course: Using CRVS data in Public Health Journalism
As data become more prevalent and accessible, good reporting on civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS)—at the community, national, and global levels—requires journalists who can understand and use data. This e-learning course builds the data use skills of journalists to develop stories related to CRVS. The course will provide a detailed overview of CRVS—what it is and why it is important, including for human rights and equity—and build skills related to data use in reporting. This course is designed for journalists who write about public health topics, and participants will be guided in developing a CRVS-related data story for publication
LMN Course: Data to Policy
The Data to Policy (D2P) program, developed by Vital Strategies and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aims to bridge the data-policy gap in public health policy. Investments in data collection and health information systems in low and middle-income countries have greatly increased the data available to inform policymaking. But turning these data into actionable evidence requires organizational capacity for policy analysis. D2P guides participants through the development of data-driven policy briefs and recommendations that respond to government health priorities. The program imparts analytical skills – including root cause analysis and health and economic impact assessments – as well as techniques for communicating with stakeholders using data.
LMN Course: Communication for Development for CRVS Practitioners
The Communication for Development e-learning Course has been developed for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) practitioners interested in learning how to apply communication for development approaches to achieve timely, effective, and universal civil registration of vital events. The course comprises six self-learning modules and takes about 3-4 hours to complete.
LMN Course: Communication with data
Well-written, accurate, and accessible reports are critical tools for communicating public health data and for advancing policies that are responsive to the issues data reveal. All public health agencies should produce data reports and tailor them to a variety of audiences. Likewise, making sure that public health reports are seen by the intended audiences is a critical step in the report production process. The Communicating with Data course comprises of two modules that can be completed separately: Writing Public Health Reports and Disseminating Public Health Reports. The course is designed for surveillance and epidemiology staff who wish to communicate data to external audiences, and also to communications staff who wish to incorporate data into ministry or health department communications products or websites. This course is available in English, French and Spanish.
LMN Course: Data Analysis for Public Health Practice
Accurate and timely data are necessary to develop a comprehensive health picture of a country. To help move data through the pipeline and assist technical staff in ministries of health use data to spur action, the course will improve knowledge and public health application in epidemiology and data analytics principles. By completing the eight interactive modules, participants will learn about the foundations of epidemiology, data presentation, including the creation of visual depictions of data, and how to perform various analyses. The course is available in English, French and Spanish.
Visit Vital’s eLearning platform for other self-paced courses on civil registration and vital statistics and using data in public health communication and policymaking:
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Population Analysis for Policies & Programmes
The primary focus of this course is to introduce the users to the methods used by demographers to analyze population data, and the sources of this data and the methods used to collect this data. Throughout the course, students are introduced to the types of issues of interest to demographers through real examples.
Tools for Demographic Estimation
This website brings together in one place, and in a user-friendly style, key methods used by demographers everywhere to measure demographic parameters from limited and defective data
John Hopkins University
Gender Foundations in Health Data: A Data for Health Course
Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) for Population Health | Center for Global Digital Health Innovation
Strengthening Population Health Data Systems Course Series | Center for Global Digital Health Innovation