Presentations - 2nd Ministerial Conference

Introduction of the agenda and summary of findings of background papers

Agenda item 1Opening of the Conference

ESCAP Secretariat
Agenda item 2. Review of the progress and existing challenges in accelerating the implementation of the Regional Action Framework on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific Ms. Kamni Naidu, Administrator General, Ministry of Justice, Fiji
Agenda item 3.The potential of the health sector to catalyse accelerated improvement in civil registration and vital statistics systems and the role of civil registration and vital statistics in the response to and recovery from the coronavirus disease pandemic Dr Steve Mac Feely, Director, Data, Metrics and Analytics, WHO
Agenda item 4. Civil registration and vital statistics as an accelerator for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and ensuring no one is left behind Ms. Terry Ferrari, Regional Leader, East Asia, World Vision International
Agenda item 5Vital statistics production, dissemination and usage: harnessing civil registration data for decision-making Mr. Romesh Silva, Technical Specialist – Health and Social Inequalities, Population and Development Branch, Technical Division, UNFPA
Agenda item 6. Implementing gender-sensitive civil registration and vital statistics systems through a life cycle approach Ms. Sarah Knibbs, Officer-in-Charge, UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Aengda item 7. The relationship between civil registration, identity management and vital statistics, and their role in ensuring legal identity in Asia and the Pacific Ms. Rachael Beaven, Director, Statistics Division, ESCAP
Agenda item 8. Other matters  
Agenda item 9. Opening of the ministerial segment ESCAP Secretariat
Agenda item 10Towards a shared vision of universal and responsive civil registration and vital statistics systems that facilitate the realization of rights and support good governance, health and development Mr. Kaveh Zahedi, Deputy Executive Secretary, ESCAP
Agenda item 11-14:  
Agenda item 11. The importance of civil registration and vital statistics and legal identity for all to accelerate progress on the 2030 Agenda Ms. Debora Comini, UNICEF Regional Director for East Asia Pacific on behalf of the of UN Legal Identity Agenda Task Force: presentation of background paper
Agenda item 12. Other matters  
Agenda item 13. Adoption of the ministerial declaration Ms. Suzilah Mohd Sidek, Deputy Chief of Mission and Permanent Representative of Malaysia to ESCAP
Agenda item 14. Adoption of the report of the Conference