Agenda and Official Documents - 2nd Ministerial Conference

A. Senior officials segment (16–18 November 2021)

1. Opening of the Conference 中文 English Français Русский
(c) Adoption of the agenda
Provisional agenda
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Annotated provisional agenda
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2. Review of the progress and existing challenges in accelerating the implementation of the Regional Action Framework on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific
Summary of Getting Every One in the Picture: A Snapshot of Progress Midway through the Asia and Pacific Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Decade
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Support from development partners in the first half of the Asia and Pacific Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Decade (2015–2024)
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Development partners involved in civil registration and vital statistics improvement in Asia and the Pacific: profiles and support activities
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Economic costs and benefits of civil registration and vital statistics systems
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3. The potential of the health sector to catalyse accelerated improvement in civil registration and vital statistics systems and the role of civil registration and vital statistics in the response to and recovery from the coronavirus disease pandemic
The potential of the health sector to catalyse accelerated improvement in civil registration and vital statistics
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Verbal autopsy and the Regional Action Framework on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific: operational procedures, practices and innovations
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4. Civil registration and vital statistics as an accelerator for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and ensuring no one is left behind
Civil registration and vital statistics as an accelerator for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and ensuring that no one is left behind
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5. Vital statistics production, dissemination and usage: harnessing civil registration data for decision-making
Vital statistics production, dissemination and usage: harnessing civil registration data for decision-making
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6. Implementing gender-sensitive civil registration and vital statistics systems through a life cycle approach
Implementing gender-sensitive civil registration and vital statistics systems through a life cycle approach
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7. The relationship between civil registration, identity management and vital statistics, and their role in ensuring legal identity in Asia and the Pacific
Intersection between civil registration and identity management systems in Asia and the Pacific
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Legal identity systems in Asia and the Pacific: civil registration, vital statistics and identity management
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Privacy and confidentiality in the context of civil registration and vital statistics systems
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8. Other matters

B. Ministerial segment (19 November 2021)

9. Opening of the ministerial segment
(c) Adoption of the agenda
Provisional agenda
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Annotated provisional agenda
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10. Towards a shared vision of universal and responsive civil registration and vital statistics systems that facilitate the realization of rights and support good governance, health and development
Summary of Getting Every One in the Picture: A Snapshot of Progress Midway through the Asia and Pacific Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Decade
中文 English Français Русский
Support from development partners in the first half of the Asia and Pacific Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Decade (2015–2024)
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The potential of the health sector to catalyse accelerated improvement in civil registration and vital statistics
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Vital statistics production, dissemination and usage: harnessing civil registration data for decision-making
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Development partners involved in civil registration and vital statistics improvement in Asia and the Pacific: profiles and support activities
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Verbal autopsy and the Regional Action Framework on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific: operational procedures, practices and innovations
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11. The importance of civil registration and vital statistics and legal identity for all to accelerate progress on the 2030 Agenda
Civil registration and vital statistics as an accelerator for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and ensuring that no one is left behind
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Implementing gender-sensitive civil registration and vital statistics systems through a life cycle approach
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Intersection between civil registration and identity management systems in Asia and the Pacific
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Economic costs and benefits of civil registration and vital statistics systems
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Legal identity systems in Asia and the Pacific: civil registration, vital statistics and identity management
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Privacy and confidentiality in the context of civil registration and vital statistics systems
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12. Other matters
13. Adoption of the ministerial declaration
Ministerial Declaration on Building a More Resilient Future with Inclusive Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
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14. Adoption of the report of the Conference
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