United Nations Population Fund.
UNFPA calls for the realization of reproductive rights for all and supports access to a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services – including voluntary family planning, maternal health care and comprehensive sexuality education. The goal is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.
In addition to carrying out programs on sexual and reproductive health and gender aspects, UNFPA works on major population issues and their interrelations with development processes. The availability of population statistics is essential in that perspective and UNFPA activities can include at country level the strengthening of statistical systems in order to make it possible to monitor demographic trends and to integrate population dynamics into development planning. As an important component of population statistics, vital statistics are therefore of high interest to UNFPA. They also provide stakeholders with the best source of information on maternal mortality or prenatal sex selection that are important areas of work for UNFPA. For all these reasons the Fund also provides technical and financial support to ensure that censuses are of high quality, uphold international principles and standards, and produce data that are widely disseminated and utilized for development.