• 2025 review of CRVS progress in Asia and the Pacific

    Members and Associate Members of ESCAP are currently undertaking a review of their progress since the inception of the Asia Pacific CRVS Decade in 2014. A questionnaire has been distributed to National CRVS focal points and should be returned to ESCAP by 15 September.

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  • 2024 Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Applied Research Training Initiative

    The CRVS applied research training (CART) initiative focuses on enhancing CRVS systems through supporting applied research on strategies, interventions, and tools. This involves designing projects to address practical questions, employing robust methodologies, and identifying key personnel for effective implementation and publication. The need to strengthen practitioners' research capacity is evident, as highlighted in the Asia-Pacific CRVS research forum held in 2023. 

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  • Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems Improvement Framework

    To meet the targets of the CRVS Decade, a Business Process Improvement approach can help improve and streamline Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system. The CRVS Systems Improvement Framework help CRVS stakeholders assess, analyze and redesign, to improve user experience and produce timely vital statistics. 

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  • Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Inequality Assessments

    The Ministerial Declaration on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific emphasizes the need to address CRVS inequalities among hard-to-reach and marginalized populations, promoting universality and equity in civil registration regardless of factors such as gender, religion, or ethnicity. Countries are encouraged to conduct assessments to assess where such inequalities may exist.

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Follow CRVS news in Asia and the Pacific by subscribing to the CRVS Insight Newsletter

The CRVS community in Asia and the Pacific has reflected on where it stands at the midpoint of the CRVS Decade (2015-2024) during the Second Ministerial Conference. Following this celebration of progress, many of our partners and member countries are leading actions to fill the remaining gaps.

To learn more about CRVS in Asia and the Pacific, please subscribe to our newsletter, which offers a monthly panorama of CRVS actions throughout the region

Previous editions can be found here.



Read the midterm report


UNICEF Good Practices in integrating birth registration into Health Systems (2000-2009) CASE STUDIES Bangladesh, Brazil, The Gambia And Delhi, India

The present study aims at identifying good practices led by UNICEF between 2000 and 2009 in integrating birth registration with the health system and promoting the use of information technology as tools for universalizing birth registration and strengthening health services for children.

Asian and Pacific Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Decade 2015 - 2024

The Asian and Pacific Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Decade 2015- 2024 was proclaimed at the Ministerial Conference on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and Pacific, held in Bangkok in November 2014. This publication contains the Ministerial Declaration to "Get Every One in the Picture" and the Regional Action Framework on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific, which were two key outcomes of the Conference.

UNICEF Every Child’s Birth Right Inequities and Trends in birth registration report

This publication presents the latest available data on the extent of unregistered children and assesses progress to date in increasing birth registration rates worldwide. The current publication spans 161 countries and presents the latest available country data and estimates (at both the global and regional levels) on birth registration.

Unequal at Birth - Disparities in Birth Registration in East Asia and the Pacific

This paper shows that improving birth registration in the region and tackling inequities present in many national registration practices requires a comprehensive, multi-sector and multi-dimensional response. It requires effective integration of governance, technical standards and operational practice, and investment in civil registrars as a critical human resource working with present-day equipment and information and communication technology.

UNICEF Birth Registration right from the start

The child who is not registered at birth is in danger of being shut out of society – denied the right to an official identity, a recognized name and a nationality. This Digest examines the situation of children who are denied a fundamental human right and who, in legal terms, do not exist. This Digest has three aims. First, to emphasize the value of birth registration. Second, to explore the obstacles to universal registration. Third, to identify the action needed to bring about universal birth registration.

Training Course On Civil Registration And Vital Statistics Systems

This training course on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Systems has been prepared by the International Statistics Program at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics. The course is intended to provide information to epidemiologists, statisticians, demographers, and others working in public health about vital statistics data gathered from a national civil registration system.

Towards Universal Birth Registration A Systemic Approach to the Application of ICT

The objective of this publication is to analyze the legal, administrative, and technological requirements for the use of information and communications technology (ICT) for birth registration. The intended audience includes civil registry agencies or those countries that are considering the introduction of ICT, as well as those that already have the system in place.

The roadmap for health measurement and accountability

The Roadmap articulates a shared strategic approach to support effective measurement and accountability systems for a country’s health programs. The Roadmap outlines smart investments that countries can adopt to strengthen basic measurement systems and to align partners and donors around common priorities. It offers a platform for development partners, technical experts, implementers, civil society organizations, and decision makers to work together for health measurement in the post-2015 era.

The ‘Rights’ Start to Life A statistical analysis of birth registration

The objective of this study is to present available empirical evidence obtained through household surveys in order to estimate levels of registration and to understand which factors are associated with children who obtain a birth certificate, and thus realize their right to a name and legal identity. The paper presents a global assessment of birth registration levels, differentials in birth registration rates according to socio-economic and demographic variables, proximate variables and caretaker knowledge, as well as a multivariate analysis.


