28 Feb 2020
The World Bank calls for consultations on the Principles on Identification

(Newsletter: CRVS Insight February (2) 2020)

In 2017, development partners, international organizations, government agencies, and NGOs working to design and support ID systems came together to develop shared principles for maximizing the benefits of identification for development while mitigating the risks. These Principles on Identification for Sustainable Development have now been endorsed by 25 organizations.

When the Principles were published, the group committed to revisit them every few years to reflect emerging lessons. To this end, the endorsing organizations are revisiting the text and content of the Principles through a collaborative process and seeking comments and feedback from the broader international community.

Inputs are welcomed and encouraged on the following: 1) Themes or principles not originally included; 2) Principles needing further clarification or elaboration to address new understandings; or 3) Terminology or wording needing adjustment to increase understanding.

Further information about the consultation are available on https://id4d.worldbank.org/principles.

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