11 Feb-10 Mar 2021
Webinars on strengthening demand for civil registration

(Newsletter: CRVS Insight February 2021)

The Centre of Excellence for CRVS Systems supported UNSD in revising the Handbook on civil registration, vital statistics and identity management systems: Communication for development. As a follow up, the CoE is inviting interested parties to a series of webinars around strengthening demand creation for civil registration, vital statistics, and identity management systems. The webinars will look at using evidence to increase demand, as well as different shifts, techniques and other examples from other fields (protection, public health), from which civil registrars could contribute.

Interested participants need to register here, and additional details for the webinars can be found below.

11th February 2021 (13:00-15:00 Eastern Africa time) Social and behavior change for effective Civil Registration and Vital Statistics

To join as PARTICIPANT: https://live.kudoway.com/ad/220114133234

To join as VIEWER (BROADCAST MEETING): https://live.kudoway.com/br/110115923796

17th February 2021 (13:00-15:00 Eastern Africa time) Factoring in social norms for results in Civil Registration and Vital Statistic programming

To join as PARTICIPANT: https://live.kudoway.com/ad/220111183729

To join as VIEWER (BROADCAST MEETING): https://live.kudoway.com/br/110119174848

10th March 2021 (13:00-15:00 Eastern Africa time) Communication for CRVS in conflict, emergencies, and fragile settings

Kudo link not available yet.

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