25 Nov 2024
Vanuatu Adopts National ID as Universal Patient Identifier Across All Provinces


Newsletter Nov. 2024

The National ID in Vanuatu is being introduced as the Hospital Universal Identifier; a single, unique identifier that will replace the various provincial hospital patient numbers currently used across the six provinces. This streamlined approach aims to standardize patient identification and ensure that health records are consistent and easily accessible, regardless of where patients receive care within the country. 

The Civil Registry and Identity Management (CRIM) issues the National ID during official registration, with Civil Registrars stationed in provincial hospitals often assigning the ID at birth. In most cases, babies are registered and provided with their National ID before being discharged with their mothers, ensuring they have a universal identifier from birth.

 Additional registration points include the Provincial Civil Registration offices, the CRIM National Head Office, and schools at the time of a child's first enrollment. This national initiative enables continuity of care and supports efficient healthcare delivery by allowing patients to be identified uniformly across all provinces.

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