29 Oct 2024
Report launch: Children are children first and foremost: Protecting child rights in migration contexts

In 2020, a record-high 35.5 million international migrant children were living outside their home countries. These children faced many dangers, including violence, mistreatment, exploitation, and neglect. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Mr. Gehad Madi, wrote a report to the United Nations General Assembly about the issue of children on the move. 

The report underscores the comprehensive protection afforded to child rights under international law, a protection that extends to all children irrespective of their migration status. The report delves into the contemporary human rights challenges confronting children within migratory contexts. The analysis calls for global attention on the pressing issues affecting the rights of children in migratory settings and establish a foundation for prioritized action going forward.

Click here for the report.

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