19-28 Dec 2022
Ongoing work on inequality assessments in Bangladesh and Lao PDR

A multi-stakeholder group of approximately 30 participants from the Cabinet Division, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Health Education and Family Welfare Division, Office of the Registrar General, ESCAP, UNICEF and Vital Strategies convened for the first capacity building workshop for assessing inequalities in civil registration in Dhaka 19-21 December 2022. The practical workshop was organized in collaboration between ESCAP and Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and focused on assessing the quality of different administrative data sources for conducting an inequality analysis of birth registration. A second capacity building workshop, inequality assessment report and final workshop will be conducted in 2023.

A closing workshop for the inequality assessment activities in Lao PDR was held 27-28 December 2022 in Vientiane, Lao PDR. The draft CRVS inequality assessment report was presented to stakeholders for their review.

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