29 Apr 2016
How to get news & events featured on the website

Here you can find recent news, events and blogs relevant for CRVS in Asia and the Pacific.

Subscribe for more ! To receive regular updates on the status of the Asia-Pacific CRVS Decade, including: research, events and partner's work, you can subscribe here to the CRVS Insight emailing list. The CRVS insight is distributed 6-12 times per year.

Submit your own ! If you have articles, news, events, new materials or anything else you consider relevant and wish to share with others interested in CRVS, please do send them to the CRVS team at ESCAP

Issues of the newsletter can be accessed here

More News

28 November 2014

PARIS21 released the video "Everyone Counts, Count everyone - CRVS in Asia" on the occasion of the…

27 August 2014

(Newsletter: CRVS Insight August (2) 2014) Members of national and international civil society…

03 June 2014

Imagine that you can't prove who and how old you are. In the eyes of the law and your state you are…

01 January 2014

President Benigno Aquino III officially declared the years 2015 to 2024 as the “civil registration…

01 January 2014

The Solomon Islands adopted a new Civil Registration database software system in December of 2013.…

01 January 2014

UNICEF has just published three videos on birth registration in the Pacific. The videos …