
News & Events

10-13 Mar 2024
CRVS system strengthening in Bangladesh

Vital Strategies, in collaboration with the Cabinet Division of Bangladesh, conducted a series of workshops from March 10th to 13th, 2024, focusing on the strengthening of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system.

The workshops delved into various aspects of the CRVS system, including CRVSID Architecture, Civil Registration-based Vital Statistics Production, and Statistics on Causes of Death. Participants gained invaluable insights and practical guidance aimed at enhancing the registration of births and deaths and collecting information on causes of death—an indispensable foundation for informed decision-making in health programs and policies.

One particular highlight was the CRVSID Architecture workshop which was co-hosted and co-funded by UNICEF Bangladesh. The discussions revolved around aligning CRVSID architecture with the UNLIA model, emphasizing the proactive role of the health sector in facilitating birth and death registration. The pressing need to strengthening birth and death registration in city corporations in Bangladesh was also underscored. The second workshop focused on Civil Registration Based Vital Statistics Production, where strategies and roadmaps were outlined for generating vital statistics reports based on existing data. Consensus was reached on developing a Strategic and Action Plan to establish a robust Vital Statistics System in Bangladesh. Additionally, the third workshop on Cause of Death statistics system took stock of current data collection and utilization practices within the CRVS system. Decisions were made regarding the next steps for establishing a cause-of-death system in Bangladesh.

These workshops brought together participants from various government stakeholders in Bangladesh and development partners such as ESCAP, UNICEF, UNDP, UNICEF HQ, UNHCR, GHAI, WHO, UN RCO, Australian High Commission in Bangladesh (DFAT), and Vital Strategies.

Read more about the #CountingEveryone campaign here. 

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