19 Oct 2023
Congratulations to Lao PDR for launching their first CRVS Inequality Assessment

(Newsletter October 2023)

On October 19, Lao PDR celebrated the launch of their first CRVS Inequality Assessment report. The Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB), in collaboration with ESCAP and UNFPA have developed this resource.

A series of national workshops were held to inform key stakeholders about the project's objective. These workshops included capacity-building sessions on demographic indicators and data completeness estimation. Despite incomplete data, a preliminary inequality assessment was conducted, with recommendations provided to support the implementation of the CRVS system in Lao PDR.

The report underscores the need for improved collaboration among national and international stakeholders to enhance the national civil registration system. It also emphasizes the importance of developing the skills and capabilities of government officials in CRVS and related systems, enabling the country to conduct future inequality assessments.

Congratulations to LSB for this achievement! 

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