Event Details
The workshop for National CRVS Focal Points is aimed at strengthening capacities for setting national targets and collecting, compiling and disseminating information on the targets of the Regional Action Framework. In addition, the workshop will equip National CRVS Focal Points to be champions for the regional CRVS initiative within the countries and thereby support the implementation of the Regional Action Framework.
The Ministerial Declaration to “Get Every One in the Picture” in Asia and the Pacific set the following goals as part of the Regional Action Framework:
(a) Goal 1: Universal civil registration of births, deaths and other vital events;
(b) Goal 2: All individuals are provided with legal documentation of civil registration of births, deaths and other vital events, as necessary, in order to claim identity, civil status and ensuing rights;
(c) Goal 3: Accurate, complete and timely vital statistics (including on causes of death), based on registration records, are produced and disseminated;
Achieving these goals are dependent on country level activities being supported by the regional initiative. The workshop for National CRVS Focal Points will be one such regional support initiative.