Event Details
The Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) is an annual and inclusive intergovernmental forum and a regional platform for supporting countries, in particular those with special needs, in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development while serving as a regional preparatory meeting to the high-level political forum.
The theme of the 8th APFSD is “Sustainable and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia and the Pacific”. It will be organized from March 23-26, 2021 in a hybrid mode. Some sessions will be organized as hybrid sessions, enabling physical presence in the UNCC, while other sessions (i.e. parallel roundtables on in-depth reviews of SDGs) will be organized entirely as online events.
Parts of the forum will be dedicated to the in-depths review of SDGs 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 12, 13, 16 and 17, which include target 16.9 on the provision of legal identity for all, including birth registration, and indicator 17.19.2(b) on the percentage of countries having achieved 100 per cent birth registration and 80 per cent death registration. This will be the occasion to reflect on the availability of these CRVS-related data in the region, prior to the Second Ministerial Conference organized later this year.
You can find more details here.