• 2025 review of CRVS progress in Asia and the Pacific

    Members and Associate Members of ESCAP are currently undertaking a review of their progress since the inception of the Asia Pacific CRVS Decade in 2014. A questionnaire has been distributed to National CRVS focal points and should be returned to ESCAP by 15 September.

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  • 2024 Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Applied Research Training Initiative

    The CRVS applied research training (CART) initiative focuses on enhancing CRVS systems through supporting applied research on strategies, interventions, and tools. This involves designing projects to address practical questions, employing robust methodologies, and identifying key personnel for effective implementation and publication. The need to strengthen practitioners' research capacity is evident, as highlighted in the Asia-Pacific CRVS research forum held in 2023. 

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  • Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems Improvement Framework

    To meet the targets of the CRVS Decade, a Business Process Improvement approach can help improve and streamline Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system. The CRVS Systems Improvement Framework help CRVS stakeholders assess, analyze and redesign, to improve user experience and produce timely vital statistics. 

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  • Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Inequality Assessments

    The Ministerial Declaration on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific emphasizes the need to address CRVS inequalities among hard-to-reach and marginalized populations, promoting universality and equity in civil registration regardless of factors such as gender, religion, or ethnicity. Countries are encouraged to conduct assessments to assess where such inequalities may exist.

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Follow CRVS news in Asia and the Pacific by subscribing to the CRVS Insight Newsletter

The CRVS community in Asia and the Pacific has reflected on where it stands at the midpoint of the CRVS Decade (2015-2024) during the Second Ministerial Conference. Following this celebration of progress, many of our partners and member countries are leading actions to fill the remaining gaps.

To learn more about CRVS in Asia and the Pacific, please subscribe to our newsletter, which offers a monthly panorama of CRVS actions throughout the region

Previous editions can be found here.



Read the midterm report


Georgia: First Vital Statistics Report based on civil registration record published

Georgia published its first vital statistics report based on civil registration records. The report discusses the availability of vital statistics data, its quality and linkages to the existing registration system of civil acts. The recent data analysis of births, deaths, marriages and divorces are also presented in the document, with the aim to inform data users about the data collection and analysis methods used for obtaining vital statistics in Georgia.  The report was drafted by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat) with the support of ESCAP. The support from ESCAP was made as part of a project to strengthen the National Capacity in Producing and Disseminating Vital Statistics funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative.   

Third meeting of the Bali Process Civil Registration Assessment Toolkit Technical Advisory Group

On the 18th and 19th of January 2018 the third meeting of the Bali Process Civil Registration Assessment Toolkit Technical Advisory Group took place in Bangkok. The purpose of the meeting was first, to undertake a technical review of the toolkit and secondly, to elaborate a program for the piloting of a part of the toolkit methodology within the Civil Registration administration of a Bali Process Member State. The purpose of the Toolkit is to help States improve how they register births, deaths and marriages of key populations (refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons and persons of undetermined nationality) that occur on their territory. The overall goal of the Toolkit is to enable better protection and contribute to durable solutions for key populations by increasing levels of civil registration and documentation completeness among these population groups. The toolkit will contain a practical assessment methodology for States to identify gaps and barriers, as well as relevant technical and policy guidance based on international standards, recommendations and good practices, to support improvement efforts. The toolkit is expected to be published in the second half of 2018, and will include a pilot in one or more States in 2018. The technical advisory group has been established to review technical and policy aspects of the civil registration among key populations, in order to inform and oversee the development of the toolkit to ensure that it is relevant and actionable by Bali Process member states. The Regional Support Office (RSO) of the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime was established in 2012 to facilitate the work of the Regional Cooperation Framework that was endorsed by the Fourth Bali Process Regional Ministerial Conference in March 2011. The RSO aims to support and strengthen practical cooperation on refugee protection and international migration, including human trafficking and smuggling, border management, and other components of migration management in Asia and the Pacific.

UNHCR Good Practices Paper – Action 7: Ensuring birth registration for the prevention of statelessness

This paper presents successful examples from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Jordan, Kenya and Thailand on how statelessness has been addressed through birth registration, and the role Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and CVRS initiatives in Asia and Africa played. The paper links the lack of birth registration to the risk of statelessness, discusses current challenges to birth registration and UNHCR’s current engagement in this field. UNHCR is publishing a series of Good Practices Papers to help States, with the support of other stakeholders, achieve the goals of its #IBelong Campaign to End Statelessness by 2024. These goals are to: Resolve the major situations of statelessness that exist today Prevent the emergence of new cases of statelessness Improve the identification and protection of stateless populations Each Good Practices Paper corresponds to one of the 10 Actions proposed in UNHCR’s Global Action Plan to End Statelessness 2014 – 2024 (Global Action Plan) and highlights examples of how States, UNHCR and other stakeholders have addressed statelessness in a number of countries. Solutions to the problem of statelessness have to be tailored to suit the particular circumstances prevalent in a country. Governments, NGOs, international organizations and UNHCR staff seeking to implement the Global Action Plan should be able to adapt the ideas they find in these pages to their own needs  

Vietnam: CRVS now part of SDG National Action Plan

The Vietnamese government has included CRVS improvements as an integral part of the National Action Plan for the implementation of the 2030 sustainable development agenda. The aim is to provide legal identification including birth registration by 2030 for all citizens in Vietnam. Particular attention will be paid to individuals living in mountainous regions, ethnic minorities and migrant people. Part of the measures to achieve this goal is the development and operation of an electronic civil status database in all registration offices. The full National Action Plan can be found here.

PCRN featured in GovInsider: 19 Pacific countries building a single civil registration network

19 island countries in the Pacific are working together to build a single civil registration network, so that data on vital events are accurately captured and shared across their borders. The work of the Pacific Civil Registrars Network (PCRN) was featured on the website of GovInsider, a platform for public sector innovation. Pacific islanders are often highly mobile, meaning that they are born in one country and often migrate for jobs, healthcare and education, and die in another country, says Jeff Montgomery, New Zealand’s Registrar-General and GM of Births, Deaths, Marriages, Citizenship and Translations. As a result these events are registered as separate events in different countries and not linked up. According to Montgomery this creates inaccurate datasets for government planning. Therefore the 19 island countries in the Pacific are working together to build a single civil registration network, so that data on these vital events are accurately captured and shared across their borders. When complete, the Pacific civil registration network could neaten up loose ends left behind when an islander passes on. “If you die in one country but were born in another, your death will be notified to the birth country and therefore your birth certificate can be closed, your passport can be canceled, and your health information can be used for planning purposes,” Montgomery explains. The network is still in its early stages. Montgomery hopes to use cloud-based software for sharing data between governments in the future. This could be advantageous for smaller countries that may not have the resources to support their own online system. New Zealand has already established four data sharing agreements, either in place or in the final stages of drafting – with New South Wales in Australia, and the Cook Islands, Tokelau and Niue in the Pacific.

No official identity: a data linkage study of birth registration of Aboriginal children in Western Australia

Evidence of identity are essential to access many rights, including obtaining a passport or driver’s license and opening bank accounts. For most Australians, a birth certificate is the first documentary evidence of identity. However, a birth certificate can only be obtained once the birth has been registered, and the births of many Australians, particularly Aboriginal Australians, are not registered when they are babies. Alison J. Gibberd, Judy M. Simpson,Sandra J. Eades examine factors related to birth registration among Western Australian children born to Aboriginal mothers. Unregistered births were most strongly associated with young maternal age at first birth, remoteness, mothers whose own birth was unregistered and no private hospital insurance. The study suggest that before discharge from hospitals, assistance should be offered to mothers, which could increase birth registrations.

Brochure: A Snapshot of Civil Registration in Sub-Saharan Africa

This UNICEF brochure summarizes the current situation of Civil Registration in Sub-Saharan Africa. Key facts: The births of around 95 million children under age 5 (slightly more than half) in sub-Saharan Africa have never been recorded. One in three unregistered children live in just three countries: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia and the United Republic of Tanzania. Possession of a birth certificate is even less common – 120 million of the region’s children under age 5 do not have a birth certificate. Around 370 million children (roughly 3 in 4) live in sub-Saharan African countries where there are fees associated with birth registration, and in most cases, these reflect fines for late registration. There are 41 countries in sub-Saharan Africa that have set the minimum legal age for marriage at 18 or above for both sexes. But, for 48 million girls living in 7 countries, marriage below age 18 is permitted. In an additional 22 countries, home to 61 million girls, marriage before age 18 is allowed with parental consent or under certain special conditions. For 57 million boys living in 19 countries, marriage below the age of 18 is permitted under certain conditions. Across sub-Saharan Africa, 110 million girls and women alive today were married before their 18th birthday. While there are fewer child grooms in the region, nearly 15 million men were married in childhood

Brochure: The role of research in strengthening CRVS systems

If policymakers are going to make the decisions to strengthen their CRVS systems, they need to know whether they are investing resources wisely and optimally. Research can help them take effective actions at each stage of the policy cycle. Research can also help identify topics requiring the attention of decision-makers and partners and is critical for exploring options or alternative courses of action for addressing priority problems. Research can inform alternative courses of action by offering evidence of lessons learnt from the past or other settings. Once decisions are taken and put into practice, research is conducted to assess effectiveness in terms of intentions and results by examining impact and outcomes. This brochure highlights the need for further research in the area of CRVS and outlines issues and challenges that research can address. In addition, it gives an overview of current research activities related to CRVS. The brochure builds on the research agenda for CRVS in Asia and the Pacific published in 2014 in the Asia Pacific Population Journal.  

Bangladesh Country Profile

Provides a brief overview of the current status of CRVS in Bangladesh, including: Regional Action Framework targets Regional Action Framework implementation steps An overview of the national CRVS system National commitments to CRVS Key legislation National coordination mechanism Comprehensive multisectoral national CRVS strategy Key recent achievements Key priorities for improvement Specific priorities to address hard-to-reach and marginalized populations Vital statistics reporting Active partners and partner supported activities  


