• 2025 review of CRVS progress in Asia and the Pacific

    Members and Associate Members of ESCAP are currently undertaking a review of their progress since the inception of the Asia Pacific CRVS Decade in 2014. A questionnaire has been distributed to National CRVS focal points and should be returned to ESCAP by 15 September.

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  • 2024 Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Applied Research Training Initiative

    The CRVS applied research training (CART) initiative focuses on enhancing CRVS systems through supporting applied research on strategies, interventions, and tools. This involves designing projects to address practical questions, employing robust methodologies, and identifying key personnel for effective implementation and publication. The need to strengthen practitioners' research capacity is evident, as highlighted in the Asia-Pacific CRVS research forum held in 2023. 

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  • Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems Improvement Framework

    To meet the targets of the CRVS Decade, a Business Process Improvement approach can help improve and streamline Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system. The CRVS Systems Improvement Framework help CRVS stakeholders assess, analyze and redesign, to improve user experience and produce timely vital statistics. 

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  • Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Inequality Assessments

    The Ministerial Declaration on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific emphasizes the need to address CRVS inequalities among hard-to-reach and marginalized populations, promoting universality and equity in civil registration regardless of factors such as gender, religion, or ethnicity. Countries are encouraged to conduct assessments to assess where such inequalities may exist.

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Follow CRVS news in Asia and the Pacific by subscribing to the CRVS Insight Newsletter

The CRVS community in Asia and the Pacific has reflected on where it stands at the midpoint of the CRVS Decade (2015-2024) during the Second Ministerial Conference. Following this celebration of progress, many of our partners and member countries are leading actions to fill the remaining gaps.

To learn more about CRVS in Asia and the Pacific, please subscribe to our newsletter, which offers a monthly panorama of CRVS actions throughout the region

Previous editions can be found here.



Read the midterm report


Forty-seventh session of the United Nations Statistical Commission

The forty-seventh session of the Commission will discuss, among others, statistical support for the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, refugee statistics, big data and the International Comparison Programme. In addition to CRVS discussions under the agenda item at the Commission on Demographic Statistics, three CRVS related side events will be held to the 47th session of the Commission . These include a seminar on CRVS systems emphasizing the important relation between SDG’s for the on 2030 Agenda and CRVS.

Good Practices Addressing Statelessness in South East Asia

This publication serves as a report of an Expert Roundtable that was held in Bangkok on the 28th and 29th of October 2010 to discuss initiatives in South East Asia in the field of statelessness and provides an insight into some of the region’s good practices. In accordance with the agenda of the meeting itself, good practice examples are included from each of the four pillars of response: the identification, prevention and reduction of statelessness and the protection of stateless persons.

Technology in the Service of Development, The NADRA Story

Pakistan is a leader in the application of identification systems and technology to a range of development issues. The National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) of Pakistan has become a central player in a number of program areas and has been internationally recognized for its expertise, including winning many awards for excellence. Pakistan has pioneered applications of biometric technology, successfully administering smart card programs for disaster relief programs and financial inclusion schemes for the underserved.

Civil registration systems and vital statistics, successes and missed opportunities. Who Counts

Vital statistics derived from civil registration systems are global public goods that governments of developing countries and development partners need for generation of comprehensive and detailed health outcome data, which are a key component of building the evidence base for health improvement • Worldwide civil registration systems have largely stagnated, during the past five decades, in terms of their vital statistics potential • Systematic evaluation studies and comprehensive assessments of the state of civil registration systems in various countries and regions of the world are rarely




Country Assessments and Strategies, 2025
Country Assessments and Strategies, 2025