Vital Statistics of India based on the civil registration system 2013

Report, 2015
Vital Statistics of India based on the civil registration system 2013

This issue of the Report on ‘Vital Statistics of India based on the Civil Registration System’ for the year 2013 provides an overview of the working of the Civil Registration System (CRS) in the country and presents a compilation of data on registered births, deaths and infant deaths with rural-urban & sex-wise break-up and sex ratio at birth based on Civil Registration Records. Ideally, an Annual Report on vital statistics containing more detailed information should have been brought out. However, due to non-availability of Annual Reports from some of the major States and limited availability of information contained in the Annual Reports of some of other States, the report for the year 2013 containing key information has been brought out for the convenience of users. An attempt has been made to present more detailed analysis as compared to previous Reports.

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