Putting Data and Evidence into Action: An Intersectional Profile of Adolescent Pregnancy and Motherhood in Fiji

Country Assessments and Strategies, 2024
Putting Data and Evidence into Action: An Intersectional Profile of Adolescent Pregnancy and Motherhood in Fiji

This policy brief was developed as part of an ESCAP-led project on ‘Using CRVS-related evidence to inform gender-sensitive policies’ or Evidence-to-Action (E2A) and is the outcome of a series of in-country consultations and a national workshop held in Fiji in September 2023 involving national stakeholders and development partners. 

The better understanding of adolescent pregnancy, and the intersectional identities of adolescent mothers, can help inform how policies and programmes in Fiji could best support adolescents to have increased autonomy in decision-making about the timing of motherhood, as well as how to best support young mothers, particularly those who have had limited decision-making power.

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Country Assessments and Strategies
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