Podcast: Discussing the OpenCRVS open-source civil registration system

Mass Media, Blogs and Social Media, 2022
Podcast: Discussing the OpenCRVS open-source civil registration system

(Newsletter: CRVS Insight September (2) 2022)

Technology cannot fix the problem of a billion people not having legal identity. Not on its own.

OpenCRVS is an open-source civil registration system that can be configured for a country in a week. Annina Wersun, its head of Community Development and Engagement, explains the daily issues getting in the way of birth registration and how the system can be used by a country to experiment and improve the way it presents birth registration.

“Technology projects fail the majority of the time because of the people,” says Wersun as she explains how OpenCRVS is just a tool for tackling UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 for legal identity for all.

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Mass Media, Blogs and Social Media
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