Pacific Civil Registrars Network 2015 - 2026 Strategic Plan Poster

Meeting Documents, 2016
Pacific Civil Registrars Network 2015 - 2026 Strategic Plan Poster

WHAT WE DO: We provide an opportunity to share information, lessons learned and good practice. This fosters coordination and integration of Civil Registrars’ input and ideas into the implementation of the Pacific Vital Statistics Action Plan and Asia Pacific Regional Action Framework for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics. We are supported by the Brisbane Accord Group. Secretariat support is provided by New Zealand.

WHO WE ARE: Membership is open to any Civil Registrar with State or Country level responsibility for civil registration or vital statistics, or their nominee. Associate membership has also been extended to relevant partner agencies. We have members from 36 countries or states, 21 agencies and 12 businesses.

OUR VISION: By 2024, the Civil Registrars across the Pacific will work together in ways that are flexible to local needs, with a shared approach to legislative change, enabling technology and data exchange.


  • Jointly work to develop CRVS targets and achieve results across the Pacific Ongoing
  • Provide collegial advice and information sharing on BDM functions and systems Ongoing
  • Provide expert civil registration input to regional initiatives, including identity Ongoing
  • Short term and long term plan with allocated actions 2015
  • Trial data sharing between two countries 2016
  • Investigate shared IT approaches across the region as countries replaces their systems 2016 - 2019
  • Strengthen regional CRVS disaster planning and response 2017
  • Pacific ministerial meeting on CRVS to review progress and strengthen commitment 2019
About this resource
Type of Resource:
Meeting Documents
Year of Publication: