New World Bank publications on civil registration

Advocacy Materials, Report, 2018
New World Bank publications on civil registration

As part of the Identification for Development (ID4D) Initiative, the World Bank Group addresses technical aspects of civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) in four recent publications.

1. The Technology Landscape For Digital Identification:

The report provides an overview of current and emerging technology trends in digital identity. An outline of the quickly evolving technology landscape is given, highlighting key benefits and challenges of current technology choices.

2. The Role of Digital Identification for Healthcare:

The report stresses the importance of digital identification systems for effective delivery of health services and public health management. Selected examples of existent digital identification systems and their usage in healthcare are analyzed, and key considerations for future implementations are proposed.

3. Integrating Unique ID Numbers in Civil Registration:

The report examines mechanisms for incorporating unique identification numbers in civil registration. Civil registration systems are reviewed and the necessary practical steps required to ensure that the identity of a person can be established and trusted certificates attesting civil status can be issued are outlined.

4. Incentives for Improving Birth Registration Coverages:

Incentives for improving birth registration coverage rates are reviewed based on empirical literature and examples from Asia, Africa and Latin America. The report focuses on the effects of social transfer programs, such as cash transfers, in increasing birth registration coverage.

The above publications are also available on the ID4D website.

About this resource
Type of Resource:
Advocacy Materials, Report
Year of Publication: