Knowledge Briefs on Gender and CRVS

Advocacy Materials, Journals, Articles and Working Papers, 2019
Knowledge Briefs on Gender and CRVS

(Newsletter: CRVS Insight July 2019)

The Centre of Excellence (COE) for CRVS Systems, in partnership with Open Data Watch, recently launched a knowledge brief series aiming to uncover gender bias and barriers, share case studies and emerging findings, as well as recommend priority areas and solutions.

This series provides support for CRVS stakeholders by inspiring action and promoting the adoption of good practices. It builds upon the outcomes of the COE event, Making the Invisible Visible: CRVS as a Basis to Meeting the 2030 Gender Agenda, as well as a side event at the United Nations World Data Forum in October 2018 entitled, Civil Registration as a Tool for Women’s Empowerment.

Ultimately, the series will produce 12 separate papers across 3 substantive areas. The papers will be authored by experts in the field and published on a quarterly basis in 2019. Themes and topics will include gender data gaps, social protection, legal frameworks, and the protection of the rights of women and girls.

About this resource
Type of Resource:
Advocacy Materials, Journals, Articles and Working Papers
Year of Publication: