CRVS Insight July 2020

Newsletters, 2020
CRVS Insight July 2020



  • As part of The World Bank’s Mission Billion Challenge efforts to focus on gender inclusion as part of this year’s Global Prize, the World Bank will soon host a webinar on Empowering Women and Girls: Realizing the Potential for ID by Addressing the Gender Gap on 21 July at 9:00 a.m. (EST/Washington, DC). Interested participants can register here.
  • On 23 July, from 14:30 - 16:00 (CET/Paris time), ID4 Africa will host a webinar entitled "Spotlight on Unique Digital Identity Numbers" to discuss how identity numbers have been driven to the forefront of Africa's digital identity movement, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Interested participants can register here.
  • Between 30 July - 17 September, The World Bank Group's Open Learning Campus will host a four-week webinar entitled "Digital Identity for the Underserved" where policymakers, academics and others will focus on the link between policies and inclusion, as well as good practices for digital transformation. Interested participants can read more about the course and enroll here.


  • Every year, the Bureau of Demographic and Migration Statistics in Iran releases the statistics of vital events. This year, the release was concurrent with the World Population Day (11 July), and can be accessed here.
  • Readers who were unable to participate in the IDRC's ConVERGE Conference 2020 back in February can now access video of all live-streamed sessions, as well as the English version of the Conference Outcome Document.
  • Video from ESCAP's Stats Café series can be found by visiting the Asia-Pacific Stats Café Series website. Each webinar is organised in collaboration with relevant development partners and countries.
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