Assessing Inequalities in Registration of Births and Deaths in Fiji

Advocacy Materials, Country Assessments and Strategies, Report, 2023
Assessing Inequalities in Registration of Births and Deaths in Fiji

Fiji CRVS Inequality Assessment Report: Assessing Inequalities in Registration of Births and Deaths in Fiji. 

(Date of publication: July 2023)

Fiji is the first country, to our knowledge, to embark upon an in-depth quantitative inequality assessment, 
examining differentials by sex, age, ethnicity, and mother’s marital status. Information obtained from 
this assessment will be used to inform future research and policy interventions to bridge gaps in 
registration between different population groups in the country. This assessment primarily drew upon 
direct calculations of both registered and estimated births and deaths sourced from the Ministry of Health 
and Medical Services (MHMS) records and census enumeration data provided by The Fiji Bureau of 
Statistics (FBoS). Birth registration completeness disaggregated by various socioeconomic characteristics 
as outlined in the 2021 Fiji Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), was also consulted.

Associated Policy Brief: Economic incentives have large positive impacts on birth registrations in Fiji.  

In policy brief, there are discussions on key messages, the problem, solutions through economic incentives and recommendations.



About this resource
Type of Resource:
Advocacy Materials, Country Assessments and Strategies, Report
Year of Publication: