AIPJ Baseline Study of Legal Identity: Indonesia’s Missing Millions

Country Assessments and Strategies, Report, 2014
AIPJ Baseline Study of Legal Identity: Indonesia’s Missing Millions

The Baseline Study was conducted during 2012-2013 by the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice (AIPJ) and represents a collaborative research effort combining data and analysis from a number of research studies and sources undertaken by AIPJ and a range of partner organisations. It aims to: 1) present information on the extent to which having a birth certificate is critical to the welfare and social development of children in Indonesia, 2) present information on the extent to which marriage and divorce certificates and other legal identity documents are critical to the welfare and social development of women in Indonesia, 3) describe the challenges faced by citizens, especially women living in poverty, vulnerable children and people with disability, in obtaining a birth, marriage or divorce certificate in Indonesia, and 4) propose strategic policy and operational responses to overcome the identified barriers to obtaining a birth, marriage or divorce certificate in Indonesia.

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Country Assessments and Strategies, Report
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