Administrative Data Sources for Compiling Millennium Development Goals and Related Indicators

Journals, Articles and Working Papers, 2010
Administrative Data Sources for Compiling Millennium Development Goals and Related Indicators

The handbook is one of the outputs of the Asian Development Bank regional technical assistance (TA) on Improving Administrative Data Sources for the Monitoring of the Millennium Development Goals Indicators. It serves as a reference tool for data producers on improving administrative data sources for compiling the Millennium Development Goals and other indicators. Drawing from the experiences of the five case study countries included in the TA, namely, Mongolia, Nepal, Palau, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam, the handbook combines theoretical issues in using administrative data with the practical problems faced in their use and provides recommendations to help improve administrative data systems. It also provides information on alternative data sources for compiling the Millennium Development Goals and other indicators.

About this resource
Type of Resource:
Journals, Articles and Working Papers
Year of Publication: