Event Details
The side events of 54th UNSC (United Nations Statistical Commission) will be held during 28 February - 3 March 2023 in New York.
A side event to call for your attention is "Better measuring adult mortality: innovative approaches", to be organized by UNSD, NYU Abu Dhabi and UNESCAP on 1st March 2023 at 1:15-2:30 PM.
The side event is the first of a webinar series on innovative methods to measure adult mortality and will be led by Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Mortality Assessment. The event will focus on the use of surveys and censuses to measure the completeness and gaps in death registration and health information systems. Discussion in the event will inform further work and guidance to countries on innovative and comprehensive measurement and collection of statistics on adult mortality.
unstats.un.org | @UNStats | #UN54SC