

CRVS Insight October 2021

Newsletters, 2021
CRVS Insight October 2021



  • Full list of Second Ministerial Conference side events


  • The World Health Organization Regional Office for South East Asia recently released a Progress report on covering every birth and death: improving civil registrations and vital statistics in the WHO South East Asia region. Among other things, the progress report reviews the progress made between 2013-2019, provides country profiles, addresses the growing demand for mortality data due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as providing readers with recommendations for making additional progress in the future.
  • UNICEF recently released their Child Protection Strategy for 2021 - 2030 and key among the thematic priorities is the issue of legal identity and strong, inclusive civil registration systems. Specifically, UNICEF says its key strategies, among other things, includes ensuring birth registration; linking civil registration to other systems as entry points for identifying and registering children; reviewing laws and policies to provide for free and universal birth registration and to eliminate gender discrimination in nationality and civil registration laws to avoid the risk of statelessness, as well as preserve family unity and guarantee access to social services.
  • As part of the IBELONG: Coalition on Every Child's Right to a Nationality, UNICEF and the UNHCR co-authored a new background information note on the continued issue regarding sex discrimination in birth registration. The note provides an overview and country specific examples of the kinds of legislative provisions and cultural norms that can negatively affect women’s ability to register the birth of their children in the hopes that it will support advocacy efforts, and action by States.
  • Although it's come and gone already, 16 September was International ID Day! The World Bank's ID4D Initiative celebrated the day by hosting a series of video events to highlight SDG 16.9, legal identity for all. Insight readers can replay the events by visiting the ID4D website.
  • The 2022 IAOS Young Statisticians Prize is now open for submission. The Prize is awarded for the best paper in the field of official statistics written by a young statistician. In addition to monetary prizes, the first-place winner receives travel funds to present the paper at an international conference. Insight readers are encouraged to promote the Prize within their networks and encourage young statisticians focused on civil registration and vital statistics to apply at the IAOS website.
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