
News & Events

12 Nov 2021
Count us in the Picture: Voices of Children and Youth on CRVS

Event Details

This side-event was organized by World Vision International in collaboration with CRC Asia and ESCAP. It took place online on 12 November 2021, from 14:30 to 16:00 hrs, Bangkok time. 


Count us in the Picture: Voices of Children and Youth on CRVS is a CAY (Children and Young People) co-created event that aimed to share the results of the Asia-Pacific Children and Youth Consultations and Regional Forum on CRVS to different stakeholders such as CSOs, Government, UN Agencies, ASEAN, and Child/Youth organizations. This served as a platform for children and young people to share their experiences and recommendations on birth registration, marriage registration and death registration. The results of the consultation and forum were the basis of the joint statement of children and youth on CRVS which will be presented during the Ministerial Conference on CRVS on 17 November. 


This side event engaged child/youth speakers, World Vision, CRC Asia, UNICEF, ESCAP, government representatives, ASEAN and UN Child Rights Committee. This was live streamed in social media platforms (Facebook and YouTube) and utilized promotional materials, posters and videos from the in country-consultations and regional forum. This also served as the launch of the report on the Asia-Pacific Children and Youth Consultations and Regional Forum on CRVS. 


Date of Event
Friday 12th Nov 2021
Event Venue
Online (Zoom)