The Brisbane Accord Group (BAG), led by SPC, WHO, the Queensland University of Technology (QUT…

The World Bank Group’s Identification for Development (ID4D) High-level Advisory Council held…

A new publication highlighting good practices in identity management was launched at an event in…

The Pacific Civil Registrars – Disaster Preparation and Response Workshop was conducted …

In the following interviews held on the sidelines of the Third meeting of the Regional…

Because of their circumstances, refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons and persons of…

High-level panelists at events hosted by Data4SDGs as part of the 72nd Session of the UN General…

Expert Talks: Understanding civil registration and vital statistics systems is a series of 22 short…

On 19 September 2017 in New York, the International Labour Organization launched two seminal…

Cambodia has completed a national baseline survey on the status of CRVS. The survey provides key…