
News & Events

20-22 Mar 2023
A Meeting of the Pacific Civil Registrars Network, 20 – 22 March 2023, Suva, Fiji

Event Details

The Pacific Civil Registrars Network (PCRN) was created in 2014. Our vision is that by 2024 the Civil Registrars across the Pacific will work together in ways that are flexible to local needs, with a shared approach to legislative change, enabling technology and data exchange. We provide an opportunity to share information, lessons learned and good practice. This fosters coordination and integration of Civil Registrars’ input and ideas into the implementation of the Pacific Vital Statistics Action Plan and Asia-Pacific Regional Action Framework for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics.  

A meeting of PCRN will be organized with support of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the Pacific Community (SPC) and other partners on 20-22 March 2023 in Suva, Fiji.

The objectives of the meeting are:

  1. For civil registrars to share progress and challenges in CRVS improvement efforts and identify common challenges
  2. To facilitate knowledge exchange and potential collaboration on issues of concern of civil registrars in the region
  3. Capacity building for sustainable institutional development leading to improved decisionmaking processes
  4. To document existing practices in the region
Date of Event
Monday 20th Mar 2023 to Wednesday 22nd Mar 2023
Mode of Participation
Attachment Size
PCRN Final agenda_20-22Mar2023.pdf219.55 KB 219.55 KB