Event Details
The integration of CRVS and identity management systems has multiple benefits in several sectors. Using a unique identification number to link a national civil register with other databases, such as for migration, employment, social security, taxation, education, and voter rolls, allows the government to maintain up-to-date, reliable information about its population to perform specific administrative tasks relating to taxation, elections, and immigration, among others. Specifically, it allows the use of high-quality, timely, and reliable data disaggregated by geographic location, sex, age, ethnicity, and other characteristics relevant in a national context for the production of vital statistics for monitoring the SDGs as well as national development plans. For instance, some countries have experienced cost reductions or eliminated the need for a full population and housing census when a civil register is linked with administrative registers. The session will showcase experiences from Slovenia, Mauritius, Korea, Philippines, and South Africa.
Dr. Samuel Mills - World Bank Group and Global CRVS Group Overview of importance of CRVS in monitoring SDGs, Principles on Identification for Sustainable Development, and CRVS eLearning course being developed by the Global CRVS group
Slovenia - Mr. Danilo Dolenc, Census Project Manager, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Advantages, process, and lessons learned in Slovenia in transitioning from a conventional population and housing census to the use of a register-based census
Mauritius - Mr. William Mario Ayelou, Registrar of Civil Status, Prime Minister's Office, Civil Status Division The 10 milestones in practice that have allowed Mauritius to continuously report cause-of-death statistics to WHO since 1957
Korea - Dr. Kyung Ae Park, Senior Researcher, Korea Statistics Promotion Institute (KSPI) Use of the Korea resident registration system to produce timely vital statistics
Philippines - Dr. Lisa Bersales, National Statistician and Civil Registrar General, Philippine Statistics Authority Information Technology Public-Private Partnership for digitization of the Philippines civil registration system and the production of vital statistics
South Africa - Mr. Vusumuzi Mkhize, Deputy Director General of Civic Services, Department of Home Affairs, South Africa To ascertain citizenship and enhance genealogical tracing, Statistics South Africa and Department of Home Affairs undertook digitization of 286 million records entailing 2.8 trillion pieces of paper dating back two centuries.
Moderator: Dr. Samuel Mills