Event Details
The 4th Annual Meeting of the ID4Africa Movement will take place from 24-26 April in Abuja, Nigeria. The theme of this year's meeting will be 'Harmonization of Identity Schemes' and discussions will also centre on data as a driver of change in identity systems in Africa. This year's symposium will also feature two new additions to the programme: DigiHealth and IDSec. DigiHealth will be a full day symposium on the role of digital identity in eHealth while IDSec will focus on the relationship between identity and security including document security, law enforcement, and secure eID platforms.
Any institution or organization that would like to share new developments or speak at the meeting are advised to send an email to [email protected] that contains the following information: Proposed topic; Proposed speaker, title, and affiliation including contact information; Institution and country; and a brief description of the proposed presentation and why it is significant.