Event Details
(Newsletter: CRVS Insight June 2021)
The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion will launch their COVID-19 impact report on 17 June 2021. The new report is a follow up to the 2020 COVID-19 impact report and details the impact COVID has had on stateless people across the world. The 2021 report was written jointly by the ISI COVID-19 Consortium, and takes a deep-dive into specific country contexts, including Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Nepal and a number of Central Asian countries. The new report will also provide details on a practical 3-step roadmap for change.
The global launch is on 17 June 2021 at 14:00 (London) / 9:00 (New York). A specific Asia-Pacific launch will be on 21 June at 13:00 (Bangkok).
All interested participants can find more information about the launches, including how to register, at the ISI website here.