
News & Events

16 Nov 2021
Deep dive on progress made during the first half of the Decade

Event Details


This side-event was organized by ESCAP. It took place online on 16 November 2021, from 12:45 to 13:30 hrs, Bangkok time


Since 2014, governments have been adapting the Regional Action Framework on CRVS into their comprehensive and multisectoral national CRVS strategies, with forty-one member States and associate members of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) setting national targets to be achieved by 2024.  Encouraging trends are visible in the region, evidenced by rapid improvements in birth registration coverage and similar improvements noted in death registration.  Moreover, the use of civil registration records for vital statistics is continuously being enhanced to respond to the needs of users.  Nevertheless, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted that information on the cause of death remains limited in many parts of Asia and the Pacific.  By progressing towards the goals of the Regional Action Framework, that is Goal 1 on universal registration, Goal 2 on the provision of legal documentation from civil registration, and Goal 3 on the production of vital statistics based on civil registration, countries are also supporting their achievement of the SDGs, facilitating the implementation of identity management systems and preparing to monitor and respond to future pandemics.  


This side event celebrated the progress made towards the goals of the Regional Action Framework, by showcasing three countries that have made significant reforms to their CRVS systems. The presentations and interactive discussion which followed, aimed to highlight the critical role of effective multisectoral coordination, dedicated resources and political commitment for achievement of the shared vision. 


12:45-12:55: Introduction and agenda: Ms. Rachael Beaven, Director, Statistics Division, UNESCAP
12:55-13:03: Country presentation 1: Armenia – civil registration in rural communities (in hospitals and post offices), Ms. Ani Mkhitaryan, Advisor to the Minister of Justice, Armenia
13:03-13:11: Country presentation 2: Vanuatu – birth registration in the face of natural disasters (tropical cyclone Pam), Mr. Andy Calo, Director, Department of Civil Registry and Vital Statistics, Vanuatu
13:11-13:19:  Country presentation 3: Maldives – new CRVS platform: Ms. Sausan Shareef, Advocator-Project Management, Maldives
13:12-13:30:   Discussion


Date of Event
Tuesday 16th Nov 2021
Event Venue
Online (MS Teams)