
News & Events

10 Nov 2021
Business Process Improvement- An Innovative Approach to CRVS System Strengthening

Event Details

This side-event was organized by Vital Strategies in partnership with ESCAP and WHO South-East Asia Regional Office. It took place online on 10 November 2021, from 12:00 to 13:30 hrs, Bangkok time


Based on recent experiences of CRVS system strengthening efforts in Asia and the Pacific as well as other parts of the world, there is a growing realization among the CRVS community that improving business processes of a civil registration system is key to the improvement of registration completeness and services in the quickest possible time. The recently launched CRVS Systems Improvement Framework provides detailed guidance for countries to apply an innovative, multi-sectoral, participatory, and process-centric approach to continually improve the performance of CRVS systems. With support from Vital Strategies, WHO-SEARO, and ESCAP, countries in Asia and Pacific are implementing efforts to strengthen their CRVS system using the process-centric approach. The Ministerial Conference provided an opportunity to introduce this innovative approach to CRVS system strengthening to other countries in the region in the form of a workshop and to share experiences form countries applying the methodology. 


The side event started off with an introduction to the process-centric methodology of CRVS system improvement and brief presentations of lessons learned from countries in Asia and Pacific that had applied the methodology. This was followed by a workshop during which participants could gain hands-on experience of part of the methodology. The side event was relevant for all countries in the region interested in strengthening their CRVS system. As background material, please see the CRVS Systems Improvement Framework, the webinar to launch the Framework, and the e-learning course of the Framework.  


Date of Event
Wednesday 10th Nov 2021
Event Venue
Online (Zoom)