Event Details
(Newsletter: CRVS Insight October 2020)
As demand for trusted, inclusive, open and reliable data surges in the face of unprecedented challenges, the global community of data experts and users came together from 19 to 21 October for a virtual UN World Data Forum.
For Insight readers, there were a number of sessions relevant to CRVS-related issues. For instance, the Centre of Excellence for CRVS Systems, housed at the International Development Research Center (IDRC), partnered with Vital Strategies and the World Health Organization to develop a session on counting vital events and monitoring patterns of mortality to halt the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the UN WDF included sessions on The Challenges of Using Administrative Records and Data Integration in Population and Housing Censuses and Digital transformation for better health data and interoperability - Example of the 11th revision of the international classification of diseases (ICD-11).
For those unable to attend, the programme and recorded sessions are still available for viewing here.