Results: About the Participants

Report on the results of the 2023 Asia-Pacific CRVS Research Forum

The 2023 Asia-Pacific Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) research forum was held as a virtual event from 3 to 4 April 2023 in seven sessions, which included 24 presentations under 5 research themes, 6 key-note speeches and 4 interactive sessions. It aimed to offer a major research, information sharing, capacity-building, and networking opportunity for participants who attended and presented at the forum.

A total of 390 participants from 62 countries/territories registered to attend the forum. Among the seven sessions organized, each session was attended by an average of 92 participants, including development partners, academicians, official statisticians and various public and private stakeholders.

Figures 1 to 3 provide basic profiles about the participants and the countries who attended the forum.

Figure 1. Registered participants by country of origin and by Gender

Figure 1. Registered participants by country of origin and by Gender

Figure 2. Attending participants in each session

Figure 2. Attending participants in each session

Figure 3. Countries and areas with at least 5 registered participants

Figure 3. Countries and areas with at least 5 registered participants