Participants profiles

Dr. Md. Foyjul Islam (Bangladesh)
Medical officer, Directorate General of Health Services
CR8 - 2024 Q4 Meeting of the Civil Registration Professionals of South Asia
Objectives - 3rd Ministerial Conference
- To celebrate the achievements of the CRVS Decade;
- Based on the 2025 review, to identify areas where further work is needed to achieve goals and targets of the 2014 Ministerial Declaration and the Regional Action Framework and the 2021 Ministerial Declaration;
- To formally extend the Decade to align with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
- To identify key actions and enhance commitment to ensure inclusive and resilient civil registration and vital statistics systems as a foundation for legal identity for all
Programme - 3rd Ministerial Conference
Tentative programme
Monday, 23 June | Sub-regional and sectoral forums |
Tuesday, 24 June | Senior officials’ segment |
Wednesday, 25 June | Senior officials’ segment |
Thursday, 26 June | Ministerial segment |
Friday, 27 June | Donor conference |
CRVS Champion: Meli Nadakuca
Our community newsletter puts a spotlight on people who have gone above and beyond in their efforts to support CRVS programmes in Asia and the Pacific, raise awareness of CRVS issues or lead CRVS improvement efforts in their home country or in the region.
Births to bereavements: Tuvalu civil registration and vital statistics plan put forward in SPC report
The Pacific Community (SPC) released a report on Assessment, Analysis and Redesign of the CRVS System in Tuvalu.
Lack of formal ID for women poses barrier to the digital world: report
A report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) reveals an immanent gender gap in digital access, resulting in challenges for women, especially in low- and middle-income countries, that limit their ability to engage fully in the digital economy.
International standard for biometric bias measurement unanimously approved
A new international standard for how to test for equitability and bias in biometric systems has been approved. The ISO/IEC 19795-10 is expected to be published soon.
No identity, no protection: How lack of identity documents drives exploitation and modern slavery
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Target 16.9 focuses on providing legal identity for all, including birth registration.
Stats Brief: Understanding and Improving Adult Mortality Measurement in a Changing Demographic Landscape
ESCAP's Statistics Division has released a Stats Brief on Understanding and Improving Adult Mortality Measurement in a Changing Demographic Landscape, as part of ESCAP’s work on civil registration and vital statistics funded under the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative (D4H) Project.