Third Ministerial Conference on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific (24-26 June 2025)
Third Ministerial Conference on Civil Registratio
The CRVS community in Asia and the Pacific has reflected on where it stands at the midpoint of the CRVS Decade (2015-2024) during the Second Ministerial Conference. Following this celebration of progress, many of our partners and member countries are leading actions to fill the remaining gaps. To learn more about CRVS in Asia and the Pacific, please subscribe to our newsletter, which offers a monthly panorama of CRVS actions throughout the region Previous editions can be found here. |
Third Ministerial Conference on Civil Registratio
The CRVS Systems Improvement Framework provides countries with the tools to assess and improve their CRVS systems and processes that brings stakeholders together to solve problems.
Accurate and timely data are necessary to develop a comprehensive health picture of a country. To help move data through the pipeline and assist technical staff in ministries of health use data to spur action, the course will improve knowledge and public health application in epidemiology and data analytics principles. By completing the eight interactive modules, participants will learn about the foundations of epidemiology, data presentation, including the creation of visual depictions of data, and how to perform various analyses. The course is available in English, French and Spanish.
Well-written, accurate, and accessible reports are critical tools for communicating public health data and for advancing policies that are responsive to the issues data reveal. All public health agencies should produce data reports and tailor them to a variety of audiences. Likewise, making sure that public health reports are seen by the intended audiences is a critical step in the report production process.
The Data to Policy (D2P) program, developed by Vital Strategies and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aims to bridge the data-policy gap in public health policy. Investments in data collection and health information systems in low and middle-income countries have greatly increased the data available to inform policymaking. But turning these data into actionable evidence requires organizational capacity for policy analysis.