Newsletter Nov. 2024Our community newsletter puts a spotlight on people who have gone above and…

Newsletter Nov. 2024Papua New Guinea (PNG) is taking significant steps to reform its electoral…

Newsletter Nov. 2024The Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on the Beijing+30 Review took place…

Newsletter Nov. 2024Congratulations to the Maldives on the launch of their first Vital Statistics…

Newsletter Nov. 2024Bihar’s Directorate of Economics and Statistics (DES), together with UNICEF and…

Newsletter Nov. 2024The Cabinet Division of Bangladesh conducted a workshop on Medicolegal Death…

Are you working with CRVS and have some questions that you want to explore in more depth? The…

Under Japan’s family registration law, parents must submit a birth registration document and a…

Indonesia’s Vital Statistics Report 2019-2023, released in October, is the country's first vital…

Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative’s Global Grants Program (GGP) called for…