
News & Events

27 Mar 2019
Second Workshop of the Project to Strengthen National Capacities in Producing and Disseminating Vital Statistics from Civil Registration Records, Phase II

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), with support from the Bloomberg Data for Health Initiative (D4H), is holding the second workshop of the Project to improve the capacity of national Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) systems in producing and disseminating vital statistics. The Project supports the implementation of the Regional Action Framework on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific, in particular Goal 3 which stipulates that accurate, complete and timely vital statistics (including on causes of death) are produced, based on registration records, and disseminated. This multi-phased Project consists of two, sequential training workshops between January and March 2019 and will lead the participating countries in creating a complete, national vital statistics report.

Resources can be found by following the link below.

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