(Newsletter May 2023) The UN Legal Identity Agenda (UNLIA) Task Force started a series of webinars…
(Newsletter May 2023) UNDP published a comprehensive guide to global standards on data protection…
(Newsletter May 2023) The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Brisbane…
UNICEF published a key report titled “CRVS Platforms: Key Findings for Practitioners”. The…
(Newsletter May 2023) A new procedure for registering births is being introduced in Uzbekistan…
(Newsletter May 2023) On April 27, Vital Strategies organized a virtual roundtable titled “Towards…
(Newsletter May 2023) The WHO Western Pacific Regional Office, in cooperation with the Department…
(Newsletter May 2023) The World Bank recently approved a US$250 million loan to strengthen…
(Newsletter May 2023) What is your current title and role? I am currently the Registrar-General…
(Newsletter June 2023) The kickoff meeting of the Measuring Adult Mortality Community of Practice…