• 2025 review of CRVS progress in Asia and the Pacific

    Members and Associate Members of ESCAP are currently undertaking a review of their progress since the inception of the Asia Pacific CRVS Decade in 2014. A questionnaire has been distributed to National CRVS focal points and should be returned to ESCAP by 15 September.

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  • 2024 Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Applied Research Training Initiative

    The CRVS applied research training (CART) initiative focuses on enhancing CRVS systems through supporting applied research on strategies, interventions, and tools. This involves designing projects to address practical questions, employing robust methodologies, and identifying key personnel for effective implementation and publication. The need to strengthen practitioners' research capacity is evident, as highlighted in the Asia-Pacific CRVS research forum held in 2023. 

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  • Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems Improvement Framework

    To meet the targets of the CRVS Decade, a Business Process Improvement approach can help improve and streamline Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system. The CRVS Systems Improvement Framework help CRVS stakeholders assess, analyze and redesign, to improve user experience and produce timely vital statistics. 

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  • Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Inequality Assessments

    The Ministerial Declaration on CRVS in Asia and the Pacific emphasizes the need to address CRVS inequalities among hard-to-reach and marginalized populations, promoting universality and equity in civil registration regardless of factors such as gender, religion, or ethnicity. Countries are encouraged to conduct assessments to assess where such inequalities may exist.

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Follow CRVS news in Asia and the Pacific by subscribing to the CRVS Insight Newsletter

The CRVS community in Asia and the Pacific has reflected on where it stands at the midpoint of the CRVS Decade (2015-2024) during the Second Ministerial Conference. Following this celebration of progress, many of our partners and member countries are leading actions to fill the remaining gaps.

To learn more about CRVS in Asia and the Pacific, please subscribe to our newsletter, which offers a monthly panorama of CRVS actions throughout the region

Previous editions can be found here.



Read the midterm report


Principles and Recommendations for a Vital Statistics System

The present set of Principles and Recommendations provides guidance on establishing a functioning system for collecting, processing and disseminating vital statistics; improving sources of vital statistics, primarily the functioning of the civil registration system and its components; and the role of complementary sources of vital statistics, such as population censuses, household surveys and public-health records.

World Bank Approves $150 Million to Modernize Nepal’s Social Protection and Civil Registration Systems

The World Bank has approved a credit of US$ 150 million to help the Government of Nepal expand coverage of civil registration and modernize the delivery of social security allowances. Over a five year period, the Strengthening Systems for Social Protection and Civil Registration Project will support the establishment of a comprehensive national population register and the phased introduction of electronic-payments to deliver social security allowances in 25 of Nepal’s 75 districts.

ESCAP Launches Project to Strengthen National Capacity in Producing and Disseminating Vital Statistics from Civil Registration Records in Asia and the Pacific

The Statistics Division of ESCAP has sent invitations to National Statistical Offices (NSOs) to express their interest in participating in a project to strengthen national capacity in producing and disseminating vital statistics from civil registration records in Asia and the Pacific.

Data Analysis and Report Writing Workshop for Civil Registration Based Vital Statistics

Over the last 2 weeks of September, 18 participants from six countries (Kiribati, Tuvalu, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and Solomon Islands) participated in a data analysis and report writing workshop in Noumea. The workshop organized by the Brisbane Accord Group (BAG) and led by the Pacific Community (SPC) with assistance from ESCAP and ABS also included a representative from the data use stream of the Data4Health project managed by Vital Strategies, who are also working with the Solomon Islands and PNG on their CRVS data.

Escaping an unnamed country: Birth Certificates, more than a piece of paper

Submitted by World Vision E… on


Worldwide, an estimated 230 million children lack birth registration, 135 million of whom are living in the Asia Pacific region. If these unidentified, unregistered children, all under age five, formed their own country, their population would fall between that of the size of Japan and Russia.  The country might even have a flag, or symbols of statehood, but there would be no legal rights, few basic services and little security.

Welcome to Kyaw’s world.

Second Meeting of the Regional Steering Group for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific

The Second Meeting of the Regional Steering Group for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS), Bangkok, 6-7 September 2016. The objective of the meeting was to review the progress in the implementation of the Regional Action Framework and identify opportunities for accelerating the progress in terms of both country actions and regional support.




Country Assessments and Strategies, 2025
Country Assessments and Strategies, 2025