
Regional Picture

Regional Picture

National Coordination Mechanism


A key principle in the Regional Action Framework is that countries should take the lead in improving national CRVS systems. To do so, they need to set clear priorities and division of responsibilities among national stakeholders. The national CRVS coordination mechanisms ensure that these priorities and responsibilities are coordinated among all relevant stakeholders and that activities within ministries or departments contribute to a cohesive national strategy. This is why the first implementation step of the Regional Action framework is to ‘establish an effective and sustainable national CRVS coordination mechanism comprising all relevant stakeholders’.

Well-functioning national CRVS systems involve a wide variety of government ministries and agencies at the national level, provincial, and local levels and use a whole of government approach. A national CRVS coordination mechanism that comprises all relevant stakeholders, such as the civil registration authorities, the statistics offices, the health ministry, the national identification agency, the education ministry, provincial and local governments, civil society and possibly development partners is essential to facilitating coordination, coherence and harmonization and avoid duplication of activities. In addition, the coordination mechanism or committee gives development partners and other stakeholders a single national focal point to engage through.

At least 41 countries in Asia and the Pacific have established national CRVS coordination mechanisms, with more countries planning to do so over the coming year. Countries that have not established coordination mechanisms generally fall into two categories: either the system is well established and it is perceived that an additional formal coordination mechanism is not needed, or the work on improving the CRVS system has just started recently. In some countries, coordination mechanisms are currently being established, often with support from development partners including the Pacific Community (SPC), UNICEF, Data for Health, Plan International, WHO and ESCAP.

Check List for Establishing National Coordination Mechanisms for CRVS:

  • Secure high-level political commitment (e.g. overseen or reporting to Prime Minister)
  • Conduct Stakeholder analysis
  • Cleary define membership and include all relevant stakeholders
  • Clearly define Terms of References including concrete objectives and well-defined governance structure
  • Formalize the mechanism to ensure sustainability
  • Establish a clear meeting schedule and reporting structure
  • Develop a national CRVS improvement strategy through consultation with all stakeholders
  • Develop a monitoring framework for the national CRVS improvement strategy
  • Develop a detailed workplan for the committee with specific activities, responsibilities and timelines
  • Ensure that the strategy and the workplan are linked and aligned with national development plans and SDG implementation
  • Ensure a shared understanding of risk and a clear plan for risk management
  • Ensure appropriate resources for activities including liaising with potential donor
  • Request support from relevant development partners and/or subject matter experts

You can find more information by consulting the information note on National coordination mechanism.



Resources on some countries' national coordination mechanism:





